Specair 3.0

Specair 3.0

Free Specair is a program for modeling the absolute intensity spectral radiation
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Specair is available on this website in a version. If you have and earlier version and want to continue using Specair. Specair is a program for modeling the absolute intensity spectral radiation emitted by gases and plasmas of various compositions.
Main features:
-Compare spectra
Specair comes with an intuitive user interface that easily lets you compare and manipulate calculated and imported spectra.
-Define your own slit function
Specair lets you use either a trapezoidal slit function (note that a gaussian slit function has practically the same shape as a triangle of the same Full Width at Half Maximum), or your own slit function. The slit function enables one to reproduce the apparatus slit function of a given experiment.
-Radiating Species modeled
C, C2, CN, CO, N, N2, N2 , NH, NO, O, 02, OH
Specair lets the user choose translational, electronic, vibrational and rotational temperatures individually. The code then uses Boltzmann distributions at the electronic, vibrational, and rotational temperature to determine the population of the internal energy levels.
Atomic lines: N, O, C
O2: Schumann-Runge band system
NO: beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, beta prime, gamma prime, X-X
N2: First (1 ) and second positive (2 ) systems
N2 : First negative (1-), Meinel
OH: A-X, X-X
C2: Swan
CN: Red, Violet
CO: Fourth positive (4 ), X-X.
-Room air absorbers
Specair lets you take into account the effect of absorption by room air between the emitting gas or plasma and the detector. Important absorbing species in room temperature air at normal temperature and pressure are H20 and CO2 in the infrared and O2 (O2 Schuman-Runge continuum below 185 nm).

Comments (2)


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Is there a version to run on a 64-bit machine? Or any hint how to install and run it? The installation works just fine, but it quits directly after running the program.

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The solution is the tool corflags.exe included in the .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) (x64).

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